How to Safely Remove Bird Droppings From Your Property

How to Safely Remove Bird Droppings From Your Property 1 - No Birds Here!

Before any method of pigeon or seagull proofing is installed, the area must be cleaned and prepared. Preparation is key prior to setting out on your cleaning challenge.

Wherever pigeons or seagulls have been perching or roosting, they inevitably leave behind a mess of nesting materials, sticks, feathers and the dreaded piles of pigeon poop. It goes without saying that the longer the birds are in residence, the larger the mess left behind. As well as being unsightly, bird droppings are often acidic in nature and can stain stonework. Deep cleaning before the installation of an anti-roosting system is therefore recommended.

First, kit yourself out. Wear old clothes, preferably long-sleeved tops, long trousers, waterproof shoes and gloves. You may also like to invest in a pair of goggles and a dust mask, particularly for a heavy infestation.

As far as cleaning equipment goes, it’s pretty straightforward. Buckets, brushes, scrapers, bin bags, plenty of water and maybe a shovel. If you have a very large amount of dried droppings to remove, a hose pipe will be invaluable.

A disinfectant spray is a must for finishing off the area. Bird guano in its wet form does not usually pose a danger in itself, but if it’s been there a while it can start growing fungi and bacteria that can become airborne if dry, and cause respiratory problems if breathed in.

Cleaning kit

For easy cleaning, consider using the following items: bucket of hot, soapy water or a hose pipe if there are large amounts of dried droppings, a sponge and scrubbing brush, scraper and gloves, dust mask and goggles, bin bags, a disinfectant spray.

We recommend beginning by spraying disinfectant spray onto the areas needing to be cleaned. Not only will this loosen and soften the debris, it will also dampen down any dust that may fly around when you start removing it. Leave to soak in for a minute or two before scraping the larger areas of droppings into a bin bag. This process may need to be repeated several times. Respray again, scrape or use a stiff brush to further clean the area, and finally respray and sponge down, wiping the area clean.

For larger areas it may be necessary to use a hose pipe to ensure all the droppings are thoroughly soaked. The main health and safety issue during this process is not to breathe in the dried dust. For small quantities, ensure all the droppings are wet before removing.

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